Sunday, March 22, 2015

DTP - Draw Toolpath Utility


Draw Wire EDM Toolpath

DTP is the Draw Tool Path utility. I wrote this program in 1994 to draw Wire EDM toolpaths on HP LaserJet M4 laser printers or on Tektronic 4662 plotters.

This program can be use from a VT100 (non-graphic) terminal.

It implements a command language with variables and expression computations. These commands can be written in a text file to create scripts and sourced into DTP,  in fact, creating more powerful commands.

The plotting utility supports the following devices:

·         HEWLETT PACKARD LaserJet printer (or any devices implementing the HPGL language).  Paper format: 8.5" x 11"; prints in a 7.5"x 10" window.
I was able to program the LaserJet 4M printer using the Postscript language and also in HPGL (Hewlett Packard Graphics Language).
Hewlett Packard LaserJet 4m Printer.
Picture 1: Hewlett Packard LaserJet 4m Printer.

·         TEKTRONIX 4662 interactive plotter.  Paper format: 15" x 10".

Tektronix 4662 Interactive Plotter.
Picture 2: Tektronix 4662 Interactive Plotter.

The program operates from a terminal.
This is an example of a screen from a terminal session:
A page in French from the User Manual.
Picture 3:  A page in French from the User Manual.

This is the UNIX manual page

     dtp  - draw wire EDM toolpath (an alternative to the PDP-11)

     dtp [ISO_source] [-s cmdfile]

     dtp is a utility program that enables you to draw ISO part
     programs on an Hewlett Packard laser printer or on a TEKTRONIX 4662

     When dtp is called, your terminal screen is divided in two sections:
     - The fisrt 20 lines are used to give commands and see output messages.
     - The last 4 lines are reserved for the display of a status window.  The
       status windows is describe in great details later in this document.

     ISO source  This parameter designates the name of the ISO source file
                 to use.  If none is specified, the one from the previous
                 session is reused.

     -s cmdfile  Dtp reads commands from 'cmdfile' upon start.

     The order of the arguments is not important and they are all optional.

     At any place where a numerical value is expected, it is possible to
     supply an arithmetic expression.

     To construct the expression, the following operators are available:
       ^    : power elevation              (Utter most precedence)
       *, / : multiplication, division     (high precedence)
       +, - : addition, subtraction        (low precedence)

     Also, some functions are available:
      abs(arg)  Returns the absolute value of arg.
      sin(arg)  Returns the sine of arg (arg is spec in degrees).
      sqr(arg)  Returns the square of arg.
      sqrt(arg) Returns the square root of arg.

     Arithmetic expressions can include variables.  To create a variable, you
     simply assign a value to it.  For example:

        x = 4+3              # x = 7
        y = sin(30)+x        # y = 7.5
        y = -y/2             # y = -3.75
        pi = 4*atan(1)       # pi = 3.14159265358979323846...

      You can use any name for a variable as long as it is not a function
      name (i.e. 'sin') or a command name (like 'quit').

      You cannot insert space characters in an expression because they are
      used as token separator.


     Underlined arguments can be arithmetic expressions.
     As you will notice, almost all the commands have a long and a short form.
     The language is case sensitive like UNIX.

     q              Quit the application.

     p              Display in a GL window the drawing as it would be output
                    on the selected output device (laser printer or plotter).
                    The graph will appear on the display of the workstation
                    even if you use dtp from a VT100 terminal.

     h              Display this manual page on the terminal.  This manual page can
                    also be read from the shell by issuing the command help dtp.
                    The text is displayed by more so you man scroll forward or
                    backward throught the text and even perform searches.  Refer
                    to the manual page of more for more details on more.

     zoom sfac
     z    sfac      Zoom the drawing (about the origin) by the scale factor sfac.
                    The scale factor shall be greather than zero.
                    The current zoom factor is always indicated in the status window.
                    Example: z .5

     zoom sfac x y
     z    sfac x y  Zoom the drawing (about the point x,y) by the scale factor sfac.
                    The focus point x,y is automatically placed in the viewport`s
                    center.  For this reason, this command turns off the automatic
                    centering of the drawing.
                    The current zoom factor and focus point are always indicated in
                    the status window.
                    The default system of measure use to express the coordinates of
                    the focus point depends on the units xy command.
                    Example: z 6 2.5 0

     tr x y         Translate the drawing by x and y.
                    The coordinates x and y represents either inches or millimeters
                    depending on the units xy command.
                    Note that the magnitude of the translation is not affected by a zoom.
                    The current translations can be found in the status window.
                    The special variables tx and ty always contain the current
                    translations and can be use in arithmetic expressions.
                    Example: tr 2 2*1.1

     source cmdfile
     s              Dtp reads commands from 'cmdfile'.  Source commands may be
                    nested.  The 'cmdfile' is expected to be found in the directory

     origin x y
     or     x y     Move the origin to the specified coordinates.  The coordinates
                    are viewport relative, where (0,0) is at the lower left corner
                    of the viewport.
                    The coordinates of the current origin can be found in the status
                    By default, the origin is positionned at the center of the viewport.
                    The special variables ox and oy can be use in arithmetic expressions.

     off val
     o   val        Specify an explicit offset (always in mm) to be used when
                    computing the toolpath.
                    Ex.: off .2
                    This selection is preserved from one session to the next.

     offtab name   
     ot     name    Specify the name of a table of offsets.
                    Ex.: offtab GEN
                    This selection is preserved from one session to the next.

     cl val         Specify a clearance (always in mm) to be used when computing
                    the toolpath.
                    The current clearance is displayed in the status window.
                    Ex. cl .020
                    This selection is preserved from one session to the next.

     mach number   
     m    number    Select an EDM machine.  The currently selected machine is
                    displayed in the status window.
                    This selection is preserved from one session to the next.
                    Ex.: m 13

     iso fname      Specify the name of a new ISO source file to use.
                    If you specify "auto", then the source file will be chosen
                    automatically.  The ISO file is expected to be found in the
                    current working directory.  Use the command cd to change the
                    current working directory.

     verify [zval]
     v      [zval]  Verify the toolpath at the level zval.  If zval is not
                    specified, the toolpath is verified at Z = 0.

     verify z zprimary zsecondary
     v      z zprimary zsecondary
                    Verify the toolpath at two specific levels.
                    Ex.: v z 0 -50

     verify Z from to step
     v      Z from to step
                    Verify the toolpath for the levels between from and to. Step is the
                    Ex.: v Z 0 50 2
                         v Z -50 0 -2

     verify xz
     v xz           Verify the toolpath using exactly the options specified in XTpgen.

     draw [zval]    The command draw acts exactly like the command verify except that
                    a page is output.
     d    [zval]

     draw z zprimary zsecondary
     d    z zprimary zsecondary

     draw Z from to step
     d    Z from to step

     draw xz
     d    xz

     da             If you whish to see two lines representing the X and Y axis,
                    use this command instead of draw.

     viewport x1 y1 x2 y2
     vp x1 y1 x2 y2
                    This command is used to define the current viewport.  The
                    coordinates (x1,y1) define the position of the lower left corner
                    of the window.  (x2,y2) define the position of the upper right
                    When clipping is in force, anything outside the viewport is
                    removed from the drawing.
                    The drawing is also centered in relation to this window.
                    For the TEKTRONIX plotter, the largest viewport
                    is 0.01 0.01 14.99 9.99 otherwise you will get some problems.
     center y|n    
     c      y|n     When this mode is in force, the rectangle surrounding the whole
                    drawing is computed. The center of that rectangle is found and
                    moved over the origin defined by the command origin.

     clip y|n       When this mode is in force, any geometry outside of the viewport
                    is eliminated.

     frame y|n      When this mode is in force, a rectangle is drawn a delimitating the

     report y|n     This command enables you to get a report from tpgen when verifying
     r      y|n     or drawing a program.

     append y|n
     a      y|n     Usually, a new drawing is output each time a draw command is issued.
                    If the append command is used, from that moment on, the next drawings
                    will be appended to the file ~/plots/plotfile.  This makes it possible
                    to combine several drawings on the same page.
                    When the page is ready to print, you must use the command flush to
                    effectively output it.
                    The status of that mode is indicated in the status window.

     f              Outputs to the printer or plotter the drawing appended to the
                    plotfile by using the command append followed by one or several draw
                    commands.  This command may also be used to reprint the last page.

     c              Remove all the drawings appended to the plot file.

     load optfile
     l   optfile    Load the options (chosen from XTpgen) from the file
                    'optfile'.  The file will be taken from the directory

     select hp|tek
     sel    hp|tek  Select the LaserJet or Tektronix 4662 as output device.
                    The variables pw, ph are reset to their correct values.
                    A command or pw/2 ph/2 is also issued automatically
                    to position the origin at the center of the page.

     units [xy] mm|in
     u     [xy] mm|in   
                    Let you use metric or english units of measure to specify XY
                    The following commands have their arguments affected by this mode:
                    - scale sfac x y
                    - tr x y
                    - origin x y
                    Ex.: u mm

     units z mm|in
     u     z mm|in  Let you use metric or english units of measure to specify Z
                    The following commands have their arguments affected by this mode:
                    - verify
                    - draw
                    - drawaxis
                    Ex.: u z in

     cls            Clear the screen.

     dump           Dtp will print all the variables currently defined with their values.

     !shellcmd      Dtp will spawn a shell and 'shellcmd' will be executed by that new

     # comments     Any line where the first caracter is '#' is ignored by dtp.  This
                    feature may be use to comments files of commands.


The Microsoft Word User Manual

This is the Word User Manual:
DTP - Manuel de l'utilisateur

An Excerpt from the Application - The Parser

If you wish to see how the parser was implemented, take a look at the Parser Example.

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