This is an Example of a Parser Written in C
The way the parser works, it reads one character at a time from an input stream. It skips separators (spaces, tab characters, etc...) until it sees a 'letter' or 'detector character'. It reads the token and identify it from a list of known keywords and stores a corresponding integer value into an array.
If the token starts with a number, a parenthesis, a sign, or the first letter is a token for a previously defined variable name, then the parser will evaluate (compute) the value of the mathematical expression, with order of precedence, and identify it as an expression with a corresponding value.
At any place where a numerical value is expected, it is possible to
supply an arithmetic expression.
To construct the expression, the following operators are available:
^ : power elevation (Utter most precedence)
*, / : multiplication, division (high precedence)
+, - : addition, subtraction (low precedence)
Also, some functions are available:
abs(arg) Returns the absolute value of arg.
sin(arg) Returns the sine of arg (arg is spec in degrees).
sqr(arg) Returns the square of arg.
sqrt(arg) Returns the square root of arg.
Arithmetic expressions can include variables. To create a variable, you
simply assign a value to it. For example:
x = 4+3 # x = 7
y = sin(30)+x # y = 7.5
y = -y/2 # y = -3.75
pi = 4*atan(1) # pi = 3.14159265358979323846...
You can use any name for a variable as long as it is not a function
name (i.e. 'sin') or a command name (like 'quit').
You cannot insert space characters in an expression because they are
used as token separator.
It implements the following scripting language:
1 #include <stdio.h> 2 #include <string.h> 3 #include <ctype.h> 4 #include <stdlib.h> 5 #include <math.h> 6 #include <unistd.h> 7 8 #include "parser.h" 9 10 /* #define MSDOS */ 11 12 typedef unsigned int UINT; 13 typedef enum { FALSE, TRUE } BOOLEAN; 14 15 /****************************************************/ 16 /* Variable for DTP */ 17 /****************************************************/ 18 #define DRAW 100 19 #define QUIT 101 20 #define UNITS 102 21 #define ORIGIN 103 22 #define ZOOM 104 23 #define HELP 105 24 #define TRANSLATE 106 25 #define ROTATE 107 26 #define FIT 108 27 #define PREVIEW 109 28 #define OUTPUT 110 29 #define SOURCE 111 30 #define PRINT 113 31 #define ASSIGN 114 32 #define CLS 115 33 #define LOAD 116 34 #define EXPR 117 35 #define VAR 118 36 #define MACH 119 37 #define OFF 120 38 #define OFFTAB 121 39 #define IN 122 40 #define MM 123 41 #define ISO 124 42 #define HP 125 43 #define TEK 126 44 #define SELECT 127 45 #define CLEARANCE 128 46 #define LOWERCASE_Z 129 47 #define UPPERCASE_Z 130 48 #define ZZ 131 49 #define VERIFY 132 50 #define APPEND 133 51 #define CLEAR 134 52 #define Z 135 53 #define XY 136 54 #define ON 137 55 #define REPORT 138 56 #define HPA 139 57 #define REGIME 140 58 #define DUMP 141 59 #define CENTER 142 60 #define WINDOW 143 61 #define CLIP 144 62 #define FRAME 145 63 #define CHANGEDIR 146 64 #define YES 147 65 #define NO 148 66 #define FLUSH 149 67 #define DRAWAXIS 150 68 #define TRACE 151 69 #define DISPLAY 152 70 #define PARTNAME 153 71 #define LENGTH 154 72 #define REFERENCE 155 73 #define KEEP 156 74 #define UNDO 157 75 #define HISTORY 158 76 #define STEPS 159 77 #define UNDEF 999 78 79 unsigned num_expr; 80 double exprval[16]; 81 unsigned num_undef; 82 char undef_str[16][80]; 83 84 #define NUMROUT 75 85 #define MAXTOKEN 10 86 unsigned int syntax[NUMROUT][MAXTOKEN] = { 87 {DRAW,NULL}, 88 {DRAW,EXPR,NULL}, 89 {DRAW,LOWERCASE_Z,EXPR,EXPR,NULL}, 90 {DRAW,UPPERCASE_Z,EXPR,EXPR,EXPR,NULL}, 91 {DRAW,ZZ,NULL}, 92 {VERIFY,NULL}, 93 {VERIFY,EXPR,NULL}, 94 {VERIFY,LOWERCASE_Z,EXPR,EXPR,NULL}, 95 {VERIFY,UPPERCASE_Z,EXPR,EXPR,EXPR,NULL}, 96 {VERIFY,ZZ,NULL}, 97 {QUIT,NULL}, 98 {ZOOM,EXPR,NULL}, 99 {LOWERCASE_Z,EXPR,NULL}, 100 {ZOOM,EXPR,EXPR,EXPR,NULL}, 101 {LOWERCASE_Z,EXPR,EXPR,EXPR,NULL}, 102 {CLS,NULL}, 103 {ISO,UNDEF,NULL}, 104 {ISO,NULL}, 105 {PREVIEW,NULL}, 106 {UNDEF,ASSIGN,EXPR,NULL}, 107 {VAR,ASSIGN,EXPR,NULL}, 108 {HELP,NULL}, 109 {SOURCE,UNDEF}, 110 {MACH,EXPR,NULL}, 111 {OFF,EXPR,NULL}, 112 {OFFTAB,UNDEF,NULL}, 113 {TRANSLATE,EXPR,EXPR,NULL}, 114 {UNITS,IN,NULL}, 115 {UNITS,MM,NULL}, 116 {UNITS,XY,IN,NULL}, 117 {UNITS,XY,MM,NULL}, 118 {UNITS,LOWERCASE_Z,IN,NULL}, 119 {UNITS,LOWERCASE_Z,MM,NULL}, 120 {ORIGIN,EXPR,EXPR,NULL}, 121 {SELECT,HP,NULL}, 122 {SELECT,TEK,NULL}, 123 {LOAD,UNDEF,NULL}, 124 {CLEARANCE,EXPR,NULL}, 125 {APPEND,YES,NULL}, 126 {APPEND,NO,NULL}, 127 {REPORT,YES,NULL}, 128 {REPORT,NO,NULL}, 129 {HPA,EXPR,NULL}, 130 {REGIME,EXPR,NULL}, 131 {DUMP,NULL}, 132 {CENTER,YES,NULL}, 133 {CENTER,NO,NULL}, 134 {CENTER,KEEP,NULL}, 135 {WINDOW,EXPR,EXPR,EXPR,EXPR,NULL}, 136 {CLIP,YES,NULL}, 137 {CLIP,NO,NULL}, 138 {FRAME,YES,NULL}, 139 {FRAME,NO,NULL}, 140 {CHANGEDIR,UNDEF,NULL}, 141 {FLUSH,NULL}, 142 {CLEAR,NULL}, 143 {DRAWAXIS,NULL}, 144 {DRAWAXIS,EXPR,NULL}, 145 {DRAWAXIS,LOWERCASE_Z,EXPR,EXPR,NULL}, 146 {DRAWAXIS,UPPERCASE_Z,EXPR,EXPR,EXPR,NULL}, 147 {DRAWAXIS,ZZ,NULL}, 148 {TRACE,YES,NULL}, 149 {TRACE,NO,NULL}, 150 {DISPLAY,PARTNAME,YES,NULL}, 151 {DISPLAY,PARTNAME,NO,NULL}, 152 {DISPLAY,LENGTH,YES,NULL}, 153 {DISPLAY,LENGTH,NO,NULL}, 154 {DISPLAY,REFERENCE,YES,NULL}, 155 {DISPLAY,REFERENCE,NO,NULL}, 156 {UNDO,NULL}, 157 {UNDO,EXPR,NULL}, 158 {HISTORY,NULL}, 159 {DISPLAY,STEPS,YES,NULL}, 160 {DISPLAY,STEPS,NO,NULL}, 161 {NULL} 162 }; 163 164 /* Holds the token of a parsed line */ 165 unsigned int pline[MAXTOKEN]; 166 unsigned int num_pline; 167 168 VAR_TREE *var_tree_root = NULL; 169 170 BOOLEAN very_first_token = TRUE; 171 172 #define istoken(c) (isalpha(c) || c == '_' || c == '=' || c == '.' || isdigit(c) ||\ 173 ((!very_first_token && (pline[0] == CHANGEDIR || pline[0] == ISO)) ? c == '/' : c == '=')) 174 175 176 /* PROTOTYPES */ 177 VAR_TREE *isvar (VAR_TREE *root, char *name); 178 void print_var (VAR_TREE *root); 179 signed int isfunc (char *funcname); 180 signed int isresword (char *resword); 181 double evalfunc (double funcarg, signed int functag); 182 void init_finfo (void); 183 int nextc (FILE *stream); 184 int __getc (FILE *stream); 185 char *gettoken (FILE *stream); 186 double getnum (FILE *stream); 187 double getfactor (FILE *stream); 188 double getpower (FILE *stream); 189 double getterm (FILE *stream); 190 double getexpr (FILE *stream); 191 signed ident_routine (unsigned *pline); 192 BOOLEAN syntaxcmp (unsigned *a, unsigned *b); 193 194 void def_var (VAR_TREE **root, char *name, double val) 195 { 196 if (*root == NULL) { 197 *root = (VAR_TREE *)malloc(sizeof(VAR_TREE)); 198 strcpy((*root)->name,name); 199 (*root)->val = val; 200 (*root)->left = (*root)->right = NULL; 201 } 202 else if (strcmp(name,(*root)->name)<0) 203 def_var(&(*root)->left,name,val); 204 else if (strcmp(name,(*root)->name)>0) 205 def_var(&(*root)->right,name,val); 206 else { 207 /* 208 fprintf(stderr,"Warning: Variable '%s' redefined. \ 209 Old value was %lf, new is %lf\n",name,(*root)->val,val); 210 */ 211 (*root)->val = val; 212 } 213 } /* end of def_var */ 214 215 VAR_TREE *isvar (VAR_TREE *root, char *name) 216 { 217 if (root == NULL) 218 return(NULL); 219 else if (strcmp(name,root->name)<0) 220 return(isvar(root->left,name)); 221 else if (strcmp(name,root->name)>0) 222 return(isvar(root->right,name)); 223 else 224 return(root); 225 } /* end of isvar */ 226 227 void print_var (VAR_TREE *root) 228 { 229 if (root == NULL) 230 return; 231 print_var(root->left); 232 printf("\033[1m%s\033[0m = %lf\n",root->name,root->val); 233 print_var(root->right); 234 } 235 236 double PI_over_180 = M_PI/180; 237 #define degtorad(theta) (theta * PI_over_180) 238 #define radtodeg(theta) (theta * 180 / M_PI) 239 240 #define NUMFUNC 11 241 char *funcnames [] = { "abs", "sin", "cos", "tan", "sqr","atan","asin","acos","atn","asn","acs"}; 242 signed int isfunc (char *funcname) 243 { 244 unsigned int i = 0; 245 BOOLEAN found = FALSE; 246 signed int functag = -1; 247 do { 248 if (strcmp(funcname,funcnames[i])==0) { 249 functag = i; 250 found = TRUE; 251 } 252 else 253 i++; 254 } while (!found && i < NUMFUNC); 255 return(functag); 256 } /* end of isfunc */ 257 258 #define NUMRESWORDS 82 259 char *reswords [] = { "draw", "d", 260 "quit", "q", 261 "units", "u", 262 "origin", "or", 263 "zoom", 264 "help", 265 "tr", 266 "preview", "p", 267 "source", "s", 268 "print", 269 "cls", 270 "load", "l", 271 "mach", "m", 272 "off", "o", 273 "offtab", "ot", 274 "in", 275 "mm", 276 "iso", "i", 277 "hp", 278 "tek", 279 "select", "sel", 280 "cl", 281 "z", 282 "Z", 283 "zz", 284 "verify", "v", 285 "append", "a", 286 "xy", 287 "on", 288 "report", "rep", 289 "hpa", 290 "regime", "reg", 291 "dump", 292 "center", "c", 293 "window", "w", 294 "clip", 295 "frame", 296 "cid", 297 "yes", "y", 298 "no", "n", 299 "flush", "f", 300 "clear", 301 "drawaxis", "da", 302 "trace", 303 "display","di", 304 "pn", 305 "length","len", 306 "ref","r", 307 "keep","k", 308 "undo","un", 309 "history","h", 310 "steps", "st", 311 "=" }; 312 signed ressymbols [] = { DRAW, DRAW, 313 QUIT, QUIT, 314 UNITS, UNITS, 315 ORIGIN, ORIGIN, 316 ZOOM, 317 HELP, 318 TRANSLATE, 319 PREVIEW, PREVIEW, 320 SOURCE, SOURCE, 321 PRINT, 322 CLS, 323 LOAD, LOAD, 324 MACH, MACH, 325 OFF, OFF, 326 OFFTAB, OFFTAB, 327 IN, 328 MM, 329 ISO, ISO, 330 HP, 331 TEK, 332 SELECT, SELECT, 333 CLEARANCE, 334 LOWERCASE_Z, 335 UPPERCASE_Z, 336 ZZ, 337 VERIFY, VERIFY, 338 APPEND, APPEND, 339 XY, 340 ON, 341 REPORT, REPORT, 342 HPA, 343 REGIME, REGIME, 344 DUMP, 345 CENTER, CENTER, 346 WINDOW, WINDOW, 347 CLIP, 348 FRAME, 349 CHANGEDIR, 350 YES, YES, 351 NO, NO, 352 FLUSH, FLUSH, 353 CLEAR, 354 DRAWAXIS, DRAWAXIS, 355 TRACE, 356 DISPLAY, DISPLAY, 357 PARTNAME, 358 LENGTH, LENGTH, 359 REFERENCE, REFERENCE, 360 KEEP, KEEP, 361 UNDO, UNDO, 362 HISTORY, HISTORY, 363 STEPS, STEPS, 364 ASSIGN }; 365 signed int isresword (char *resword) 366 { 367 unsigned int i = 0; 368 BOOLEAN found = FALSE; 369 signed int wordtag = -1; 370 do { 371 if (strcmp(resword,reswords[i])==0) { 372 wordtag = i; 373 found = TRUE; 374 } 375 else 376 i++; 377 } while (!found && i < NUMRESWORDS); 378 if (!found) 379 return(wordtag); 380 else 381 return(ressymbols[wordtag]); 382 } /* end of isresword */ 383 384 385 double evalfunc (double funcarg, signed int functag) 386 { 387 switch (functag) { 388 case 0 : return(fabs(funcarg)); 389 case 1 : return(sin(degtorad(funcarg))); 390 case 2 : return(cos(degtorad(funcarg))); 391 case 3 : return(tan(degtorad(funcarg))); 392 case 4 : return(sqrt(funcarg)); 393 case 5 : 394 case 8 : return(radtodeg(atan(funcarg))); 395 case 6 : 396 case 9 : return(radtodeg(asin(funcarg))); 397 case 7 : 398 case 10: return(radtodeg(acos(funcarg))); 399 case -1 : ; 400 } 401 } /* end of evalfunc */ 402 403 UINT lnnum; /* line number */ 404 UINT foff; /* file offset */ 405 UINT lnoff; /* line offset */ 406 407 #define curc(stream) ungetc(getc(stream),stream) 408 409 int nextc (FILE *stream) 410 { 411 int c; 412 while (c = ungetc(getc(stream),stream), c == '\t') 413 __getc(stream); 414 return(c); 415 } /* end of nextc */ 416 417 418 419 void init_finfo (void) 420 { 421 lnnum = 1; 422 foff = 0; 423 lnoff = 0; 424 } /* end of init_finfo */ 425 426 int __getc (FILE *stream) 427 { 428 int c; 429 if ((c=getc(stream))=='\n') { 430 lnnum++; 431 lnoff=0; 432 #ifdef MSDOS 433 foff++; /* count two char. for MSDOS computers */ 434 #endif 435 } 436 lnoff++; 437 foff++; 438 return(c); 439 } /* end of __getc */ 440 441 void ungettoken (char *s, FILE *stream) 442 { 443 unsigned i = strlen(s); 444 foff -= i; 445 lnoff -= i; 446 do { 447 ungetc(s[--i],stream); 448 } while (i > 0); 449 } /* end of ungettoken */ 450 451 char *gettoken (FILE *stream) 452 { 453 char token[80]; 454 unsigned int i = 0; 455 while (istoken(nextc(stream))) { 456 token[i++] = __getc(stream); 457 } 458 token[i] = NULL; 459 return(strdup(token)); 460 } /* end of gettoken */ 461 462 double getnum (FILE *stream) 463 { 464 #define radix 10 465 double numvalue = 0; 466 unsigned int unaryminus = FALSE; 467 unsigned int scale = 0; 468 unsigned int i; 469 if (curc(stream)== '-') { 470 unaryminus = TRUE; 471 __getc(stream); 472 } 473 else 474 if (curc(stream) == '+') 475 __getc(stream); 476 while (isdigit(curc(stream))) 477 numvalue = radix * numvalue + __getc(stream) - '0'; 478 if (curc(stream) == '.') { 479 __getc(stream); 480 while (isdigit(curc(stream))) { 481 numvalue = radix * numvalue + __getc(stream) - '0'; 482 scale++; 483 } /* end while */ 484 for (i = 1; i <= scale; i++) 485 numvalue /= radix; 486 } 487 if (unaryminus) 488 numvalue = -numvalue; 489 return(numvalue); 490 #undef radix 491 } /* end of getnum */ 492 493 double getfactor (FILE *stream) 494 { 495 double facval; 496 char *s; 497 VAR_TREE *var_ptr; 498 signed int functag; 499 double funcarg; 500 unsigned int unaryminus = FALSE; 501 if (nextc(stream) == '-') { 502 unaryminus = TRUE; 503 __getc(stream); 504 } 505 else if (nextc(stream) == '+') 506 __getc(stream); 507 if(isdigit(nextc(stream)) || nextc(stream) == '.') 508 facval = getnum(stream); 509 else if (nextc(stream) == '(') { 510 __getc(stream); 511 facval = getexpr(stream); 512 if (nextc(stream) == ')') 513 __getc(stream); 514 else 515 fprintf(stderr,"')' missing in expression.\n"); 516 } else if (isalpha(nextc(stream))) { 517 s = gettoken(stream); 518 if ((functag = isfunc(s))!=-1) { 519 if (nextc(stream)=='(') { 520 __getc(stream); 521 funcarg = getexpr(stream); 522 if (nextc(stream) == ')') 523 __getc(stream); 524 else 525 fprintf(stderr,"')' missing of function argument.\n"); 526 } 527 else 528 fprintf(stderr,"'(' missing of function argument.\n"); 529 facval = evalfunc(funcarg,functag); 530 } 531 else if ((var_ptr = isvar(var_tree_root,s))!=NULL) 532 facval = var_ptr->val; 533 else { 534 fprintf(stderr,"Undefined variable '%s' in expression.\n",s); 535 facval = 0; 536 } 537 free(s); 538 } 539 if (unaryminus) 540 facval = -facval; 541 return(facval); 542 } /* end of getfactor */ 543 544 double getpower (FILE *stream) 545 { 546 double facval; 547 double exponent; 548 facval = getfactor(stream); 549 while(nextc(stream) == '^') { 550 __getc(stream); 551 exponent = getfactor(stream); 552 facval = pow(facval,exponent); 553 } 554 return(facval); 555 } /* end of getpower */ 556 557 double getterm (FILE *stream) 558 { 559 double termval; 560 double nextfacval; 561 unsigned int op; 562 termval = getpower(stream); 563 while (nextc(stream) == '*' || nextc(stream) == '/') { 564 op = __getc(stream); 565 nextfacval = getpower(stream); 566 if (op == '*') 567 termval *= nextfacval; 568 else if (op == '/') 569 if (nextfacval != 0) 570 termval /= nextfacval; 571 else 572 fprintf(stderr,"Division by zero\n"); 573 } 574 return(termval); 575 } /* end of getterm */ 576 577 double getexpr (FILE *stream) 578 { 579 double exprval; 580 double nexttermval; 581 unsigned int op; 582 exprval = getterm(stream); 583 while (nextc(stream) == '+' || nextc(stream) == '-') { 584 op = __getc(stream); 585 nexttermval = getterm(stream); 586 if (op == '+') 587 exprval += nexttermval; 588 else 589 exprval -= nexttermval; 590 } 591 return(exprval); 592 } /* end of getexpr */ 593 594 595 void print_syntax (void) 596 { 597 unsigned i; 598 printf("pline["); 599 for (i=0; i< num_pline; i++) { 600 printf("%u ",pline[i]); 601 } 602 printf("]"); 603 } /* end of print_syntax */ 604 605 signed parse_cmd (char *cmdfile) 606 { 607 FILE *f; 608 char *s; 609 int c; 610 signed reswordtag; 611 unsigned i; 612 char shellcmd[80]; 613 signed idrout; 614 extern char cmdlist_filename[80]; 615 extern BOOLEAN undoing; 616 617 618 if((f=fopen(cmdfile,"rt"))==NULL) { 619 fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open '%s'.\n",cmdfile); 620 exit(1); 621 } 622 623 init_finfo(); 624 num_pline = 0; 625 num_expr = 0; 626 num_undef = 0; 627 very_first_token = TRUE; /* must be set to TRUE at the start of every line/command */ 628 while((c=nextc(f))!=EOF) { 629 if (c == '#' && very_first_token) { 630 /* skip comment */ 631 __getc(f); /* skip the '#' */ 632 while (c = __getc(f), !(c == '\n ' || c == EOF)); 633 } 634 if (c == '!' && very_first_token) { 635 shellcmd[0] = NULL; i = 0; __getc(f); 636 while (c = __getc(f), !(c == '\n ' || c == EOF)) 637 shellcmd[i++] = c; 638 shellcmd[i] = NULL; 639 640 /* restore the terminal to its original size */ 641 printf("\033[;r"); 642 643 clear_screen(); 644 645 system(shellcmd); 646 647 /* pause */ 648 printf("\033[1m\033[7mPress any key to return to DTP!\033[0m"); 649 fflush(stdout); 650 setraw(); 651 keystroke(); 652 restore(); 653 clear_screen(); 654 655 printf("\033[;20r"); fflush(stdout); 656 print_status(); 657 658 } 659 if (isalpha(c) || c == '_' || c == '=' || c == '.' || c == '/') { 660 s = gettoken(f); 661 662 if ((reswordtag = isresword(s))!=-1) { 663 if (!very_first_token && pline[0] == SOURCE) { 664 /* This is to permit "source mach" to work. */ 665 pline[num_pline++] = UNDEF; 666 strcpy(undef_str[num_undef++],s); 667 } 668 else 669 pline[num_pline++] = reswordtag; 670 } 671 else if (isfunc(s)!=-1) { 672 ungettoken(s,f); 673 exprval[num_expr++] = getexpr(f); 674 pline[num_pline++] = EXPR; 675 } 676 else if (isalpha(c) || isdigit(c) || c == '+' || c == '-' || c == '.' || c == '(' || c == '/') { 677 if (isalpha(c) && isvar(var_tree_root,s)==NULL) { 678 pline[num_pline++] = UNDEF; 679 strcpy(undef_str[num_undef++],s); 680 } 681 else if (very_first_token) { 682 pline[num_pline++] = VAR; 683 strcpy(undef_str[num_undef++],s); 684 } 685 else { 686 if (pline[0] == CHANGEDIR || pline[0] == ISO) { 687 pline[num_pline++] = UNDEF; 688 strcpy(undef_str[num_undef++],s); 689 } 690 else { 691 ungettoken(s,f); 692 exprval[num_expr++] = getexpr(f); 693 pline[num_pline++] = EXPR; 694 } 695 } 696 } 697 698 c=nextc(f); 699 free(s); 700 very_first_token = FALSE; 701 } 702 else if (isdigit(c) || c == '+' || c == '-' || c == '.' || c == '(') { 703 if (c == '.' && (pline[0] == CHANGEDIR || pline[0] == ISO)) { 704 pline[num_pline++] = UNDEF; 705 strcpy(undef_str[num_undef++],s); 706 } 707 else { 708 exprval[num_expr++] = getexpr(f); 709 pline[num_pline++] = EXPR; 710 } 711 } 712 else 713 __getc(f); 714 } 715 pline[num_pline++] = NULL; 716 /*print_syntax(); */ 717 /*print_var(var_tree_root); */ 718 719 if((idrout = ident_routine(pline))!= ROUT_NO_INSTRUCTION && 720 !undoing && idrout != ROUT_HISTORY && idrout != ROUT_SOURCE 721 && idrout != -1/* syntax error*/) { 722 /* add to the list of command the current command */ 723 sprintf(shellcmd,"cat %s >> %s;echo | cat >> %s",cmdfile,cmdlist_filename,cmdlist_filename); 724 system(shellcmd); 725 } 726 727 fclose(f); 728 unlink(cmdfile); 729 730 return(idrout); 731 732 } /* end of parse_cmd */ 733 734 735 signed ident_routine (unsigned *pline) 736 { 737 unsigned i = 0; 738 while (i < NUMROUT) { 739 if (syntaxcmp(pline,syntax[i])) 740 return(i); 741 i++; 742 } 743 return(-1); 744 } /* end of ident_routine */ 745 746 747 BOOLEAN syntaxcmp (unsigned *a, unsigned *b) 748 { 749 unsigned i = 0; 750 while (*(a+i) == *(b+i)) { 751 if (*(a+i) == NULL) 752 return(TRUE); 753 i++; 754 } 755 return(FALSE); 756 }
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