Saturday, February 14, 2015

Bromont Road Survey

Bromont Complete Road Survey

Picture 1: The Municipality of Bromont.
Picture 1: The Municipality of Bromont.
For GIE Technologies, I did in November 2008 a survey of all the roads in the municipality of Bromont in the province of Quebec in Canada.

I did that pavement data collection using the Image Capture System (ICS) I had developed in 2006-2007 for GIE Technologies.

There is a bit over 200 Km of roads in Bromont. I took images of all of them.

The picture 1 shows a map of the municipality enclosed in red line.
[TIP: To better see the image, Right-Click on it and select Open image in new tab.]

Using the application I had developed in the field gave me very good insights about its advantages and also its flaws.

I ain't got any footage of the data collected, but I still have some (bad) pictures of the truck parked in my driveway one night while I was doing some image post-processing on the data captured during the day.

More pictures taken while the sun was up:

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