Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Symphony Spreadsheets

Lotus Symphony Spreadsheets Project

In 1984, while I was working at La Maison de l'ordinateur, I have meet a customer.
I do not remember the name of that customer. All I remember is that he was the president of a security agency, insuring the security at the Ottawa Parliament.
Lotus Symphony
Lotus Symphony

In order to keep his contract, he needed to buy a computer system with a spreadsheet program.

I sold him an IBM AT with the Lotus Symphony software suite for DOS. I also sold him a special graphic adapter (I don't remember the name of the graphic card) but it was for monochrome displays and able to render high-resolution graphics and also to work in a 132 columns text mode.

I've also obtained a contract to build a set of worksheets, using Lotus Symphony, to get him started.

Lotus Symphony was an integrated software package for creating and editing text, spreadsheets, charts and other documents on the MS-DOS operating systems. It was released by Lotus Development as a follow-on to its popular spreadsheet program, Lotus 1-2-3 and was produced from 1984-1992. Lotus Jazz on the Apple Macintosh was a sibling product.

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