Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Budgeting System

Budgeting System for "Communications Québec"

The first subcontract I've obtained while I was working at La Maison de l'ordinateur was for a branch of the Government of Québec—Communications Québec.

I've obtained a contract to create a budgeting system with Lotus 1-2-3[1].
Picture: Lotus 1-2-3 screen snapshot example.
Picture: Lotus 1-2-3 screen snapshot example.
This is not an actual example of my application.

With Lotus 1-2-3 it was possible to insert in the cells of a worksheet commands called macros.

The application was menu-driven and contained many macros to ease and automate the planning and production of expense budgets.

[1] Lotus 1-2-3 is a spreadsheet program from Lotus Software (now part of IBM). It was the IBM PC’s first "killer application"; its huge popularity in the mid-1980s contributed significantly to the success of the IBM PC in the corporate environment.

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