Tuesday, February 10, 2015

File Converter Between MS-DOS and Macintosh

File Converter between MS-DOS and Macintosh

In 1985, there was a customer of La Maison de l'ordinateur, I don't remember its name, but he had a catalog of his products that was implemented in a database running on an MS-DOS system. That client decided to migrate its database to Macintosh system.

An Apple Macintosh System
An Apple Macintosh System
At the time, no commercial products existed to do that type of conversion between the two types of systems.

An MS-DOS System
An MS-DOS System

So, I wrote on the Macintosh a program to convert the files from one system to the other.

The line breaks were different between IBM and Apple and the accentuated letters in French had different ASCII codes. That is almost all there is to say about the algorithm.

One last thing to mention: There were a huge number of files to convert, so I had to write a nice user interface to make it easy to use.

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